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Master of Arts (MA) programme in Linguistics

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Master of Arts (MA) programme in Linguistics
Research Papers (since 2004)


NameResearch Paper TopicAward
2004-05CHAN, Wing ManAcquisition of the English article system by Hong Kong students-
2004-05CHENG, Lai Chun JaneA study of the acquisition of English Conditionals by Chinese ESL learners-
2004-05CHIU, Mei Yee CareyAcquisition of English Relative Clause among Hong Kong Chinese Medium Instruction Secondary School-
2004-05CHOW, Chun Yi JennyDiglossia in printed magazines for primary students: implications for “reading to learn”-
2004-05DO, Wai Ming EvaThe Acquisition of English Concessive Structures By Cantonese Speaking ESL Learners-
2004-05HE, JiaA Systematic Study of the Degree Adverb ‘ beir ’ in Tianjin Dialect-
2004-05HUANG, Kwan JoanSemantic Extensions of ZHE-
2004-05HUO, SiliangGrammatical Performance in Simultaneous Interpretation : An Error Analysis-
2004-05KO, Yuen ManThe Acquisition of English Spatial Prepositions by ESL Learners-
2004-05KWOK, Yin Hing DaisyNew discourse as an emergent register? A study of an Internet forum in Hong Kong-
2004-05LAM, Hon Ming DavidQuestion Strategies in the Documentary Film “Fahrenheit 9/11”-
2004-05LAM, Chi Lok AndixThe Acquisition of Ergative Constructions Among Hong Kong ESL Students-
2004-05LEUNG, Man RitaThe Learning of out in English by ESL Cantonese Learners-
2004-05LIU, YueAn Analysis on Use of Terms of Address in Mainland China from a Synchronic Perspective-
2004-05LUK, Sau Ling AnneThe Use of Cantonese Slang by Teenagers in Hong Kong-
2004-05SUN, JingA study on ' you(有)+ VP ' structure in Mandarin Chinese-
2004-05SUN, TingtingQuestioning Chinese Ministers ? Questioning and answering patterns in Chinese official press conferences-
2004-05TAM, Yuet KuenA study of the Thinking Process of Lexical Inferencing by Groups of Different Vocabulary Levels-
2004-05TO, MeiTalk About【po】,【p‘o】,【mo】,【fo】Again-
2004-05WANG, YunA Study on the Organization of Repair in Mandarin Chinese Conversation-
2004-05WONG, Wai Kuen WikingAcquisition of English [] sound : A Study of Primary Six Students in Hong Kong-
2004-05WONG, Pui San BessiePhonetic Study in the Pronunciation of English Dental Fricatives [T] and [ð] among Hong Kong ESL Learners-
2005-06CHEUNG, Wai Ting粵劇「官話」的入聲研究-
2005-06CHIU, Kik LingAn analysis of Hong Kong native Cantonese Form Three students’ problems in English pronunciation-
2005-06FAN, XiaoqianA Preliminary Exploration of Headless Relative Clauses in Chinese-
2005-06LAI, Chung YeeAnalysis of Cantonese Presuppositions in Slimming Advertisements-
2005-06LAM, Chi FungA comparison between the Cantonese aspect markers gan and haidou-
2005-06LEUNG, Ming Ming GraceThe Patterns of English Word Stress by Hong Kong ESL Learners-
2005-06MI, DiL2 Acquisition of Preposition Stranding and Pied-Piping by Chinese Learners of EnglishLSHK The Best Thesis Award
2005-06WONG, Kwong TatSecondary Language Vocabulary Learning-
2005-06YIP, Sin MeiThe Gender Differences in Linguistic Features of Dyadic Synchronous Computer-mediated Communication-
2005-06KWOK, Wai YingA Study of Cantonese Informative Sentence-Final Particles aa3, laa3, wo3 and bo3-
2005-06LAM, Oi ManThe Typology of Classifiers-
2005-06LAM, Yuk Ping VictoriaA lexical development of Cantonese-English bilingual child-
2005-06LEE, Man YiSimilarities and differences between 'no matter' and 'whether' in Cantonese and English-
2005-06TSANG, Chiu ManThe Processing of Code-mixing of Chinese and English on Internet Forum: A Hong Kong Case Study-
2006-07BIN, JuanA Study of  Suffixation in Tianjin Dialect-
2006-07CHENG, MingmingAcquisition of Control Structures in Infinitival Clauses among Chinese Learners of English-
2006-07CHU, Ming Hing PatrickDiscourse of Compromise-
2006-07GROVES, Julie MayA comparison of the attitudes of Hong Kongers and Mainland Chinese towards the status of Cantonese: Language or Dialect – or Topolect?-
2006-07HAU, Chi KukA Study on Acoustic Characteristics of Cantonese Gay Speech and Perceived Sexual Orientations-
2006-07LAM, Tsz Kwan CharlesSyntax of Particle Verbs in German-
2006-07LI, HelinAn Analysis of Temporal Adverb Ou’er (occasionally)-
2006-07SIU, Wai Yan RebeccaMouth Gestures in Hong Kong Sign Languages (HKSL): A Preliminary Study-
2006-07WONG, Yat YuAcquisition of Japanese Passives by Cantonese Speakers in Hong Kong-
2006-07ZHANG, XiaorongResumptive Pronouns in the Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Chinese EFL Learners-
2006-07ZU, XinRemarks on the Constituency and Derivation of Comparative Constructions in Mandarin Chinese-
2007-08CHAN, Sze ManThe Acquisition of Cantonese Sentence-final Particles by Native Mandarin Speakers-
2007-08HO, Chi ManBody Leans in Hong Kong Sign Language: Marking of Contrast-
2007-08HU, YangboAn investigation into BA(?) Construction in Guanzhong Dialect-
2007-08LING, Jin ChunOn the Grammatical Function and Status of ‘da33’, ‘do?33’ and ‘ha?33’ in Shaoxing Dialect-
2007-08SUN, XinA Study of Juncture in Mandarin Chinese-
2007-08ZHANG, Jie溫州方言詞”顯”的語法﹒語義研究-
2007-08ZHU, XiaohanStress Patterns in Chinese ESL-
2008-09CHING, Sau Yin QueenieCode-switching of Cantonese-English in Hong Kong Magazine Feature Articles-
2008-09CHUNG, Lai Ming VirginiaPerception and Production of Cantonese Tones by Thai and Filipino Students in Hong Kong Secondary School-
2008-09LI, HaozeReflexive Binding in VP Ellipsis and Interpretation of Chains-
2008-09QIN, ZhenThe Production and Perception of French initial stops by Wu and Mandarin Speakers-
2008-09WHITE, Donald Speech Rhythm Development in a Balanced Cantonese-English ChildLSHK (Linguistics Society of Hong Kong) Outstanding Thesis Award
2008-09XU, BoAn Experimental Investigation into the F0 High-Rising Tone Change in Cantonese-
2008-09YEN, Miao-juCode-mixing among Hong Kong Trilingual Teenagers-
2008-09YEUNG, Shuk Lai IvyJournalistic Neutrality and Political Stances in Hong Kong Chinese Newspapers-
2008-09YIN, WanchenInfluence of Pinyin on Phonemic Awareness Chinese Adults-
2008-09YUK, Ka Wai MargaretTransliteration of English Geographical Names in Hong Kong Cantonese and Mandarin: A Comparative Study-
2009-10CAI, XiaochunSentence-Medial Particles in Shantou DialectLSHK (Linguistics Society of Hong Kong) Outstanding Thesis Award
2009-10GAN, DengSyllabification of English intervocalic Consonant by Chinese English Learners-
2009-10GUO, JuanThe Experiential Construction in Mandarin Chinese-
2009-10KOON, Ying YanModification Statragies Employed by Secondary 4 & 5 Cantonese ESL Speakers in Prononcing English Consonant Clusters-
2009-10SIU, Suk FunWhat errors do Hong Kong secondary school students make in English article system?-
2009-10TSANG, Wai Ting LouisSecond Language Acquisition of German Syllable-final Ct Consonant Clusters by Hong Kong Cantonese Learners of German-
2009-10ZHANG, XiaoyaoAcquisition of English Word Stress Patterns by Mandarin EFL Learners in Formal Instruction Environment-
2010-11CHAN, Siu ChuenRevisiting Lexical Stress in Hong Kong English (HKE) from a 3rd Perspective: Analogy-
2010-11CHAN, Yu HongPerception and production of Korean alveolar fricatives /sh/ and /s*/ in Cantonese speakers-
2010-11KUNG, Wan KiThe Modal of Obligation and Necessity 'Must' in Hong Kong English -
2010-11LAM, Yuk ChauProduction of Nominal Compounds by Cantonese-speaking Deaf Children-
2010-11LEE, Shu Mei HelenNegative Polar Questions in Hong Kong Sign Language-
2010-11LI, MinyiGeilivable': A New Online Form of Code-mixing-
2010-11LI, Yu FaiInferring an Ironist's Intention: The Relationship between Second-order ToM Understanding and Intonation in Cantonese-speaking Childern-
2010-11MA, LiA Study of Causative Ba-variant of Verb-copying Construction in Mandarin Chinese-
2010-11TAM, Kit YingAcquisition of Cantonese Relative Clause by Deaf and Hard of Hearing (D/HH) Childern in Hong Kong-
2010-11WEI, YuThe Authenticity of Oral Exercises in CSL Textbooks-
2011-12ISMA, Silva Tenrisara PertiwiComparative study of Jakarta sign language and Yogyakarta sign langauge-
2011-12LAI, Hau Yee The Acquisition of Cantonese bei2 'give' Dative Constructions by Monolingual and Cantonese-Mandarin Bilingual Children in Hong Kong-
2011-12LI, GuoInterlanguage speech intelligibility benefit for bilinguals-
2011-12NG, Tsz HimFacebook communication in Hong Kong: an evolved ICQ interaction in bilingualism-
2011-12SHAO, HuiLanguage transfer in Chinese learners' acquisition of English reflexives-
2011-12SZETO, Pui YiuA Comparative Study on the Use of Qishi (??) in Hong Kong Chinese and Mainland Chinese-
2012-13CHEN, XiThe Rhythmic Correspondence between Music and Words of Speech in Vocal Music—English Songs as Samples-
2012-13CHENG, Hiu LinA Study of the Perception and Production of Neutral Tone in Mandarin of Hong Kong Cantonese Speakers-
2012-13CHEUNG, Wing SzeCantonese-English Bilinguals' L2 Metaphor Comprehension-
2012-13LI, JiaRelative Constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language-
2012-13PAN, ZiyiA Preliminary Study of Deaf Children’s Acquisition in Handshape and Phonetic Features of Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)-
2012-13PANG, Wai YinThird Language Acquisition of Null and Overt Pronouns in Italian by Cantonese-English Bilinguals-
2012-13SHENG, YixuanHow Hong Kong Sign Language Affects Hearing Learners' Gestures-
2012-13SUWIRYO, Adhika Irlang Mouth Movement Patterns in Jakarta and Yogyakarta Sign Language: A Preliminary Study-
2012-13TANG, ManDo Bilinguals Give Authentic Productions of German Vowels? - A Comparative Study on Cantonese and Mandarin Speakers-
2012-13WANG, JunProduction of Sentence Stress in English: Comparing Mandarin/ English, Hong Kong Cantonese/English and Guangdong Cantonese/English Bilinguals-
2012-13WEI, XiaoSigns of Sexual Behavior in Hong Kong Sign Language-
2012-13YU, ShingCantonese Tone Categorization, Perception and Production of Children with Moderate to Profound Degree of Hearing Loss-
2012-13ZHAO, WenjingA Study on the Production and Perception of English Emotional Prosody by Mandarin-English Bilingual Adults-
2013-14CAO, XuComparative Study of Prosody in Native Adult, Early Learner and Late Learner of Hong Kong Sign Language-
2013-14CHAN, Hiu TungProduction and Perception of Hong Kong Native Cantonese High-rising - Low-rising Tone Mergers and Non-mergers-
2013-14CHEN, ShuwenMental Representation of Emotional Words in the Chinese English Bilingual LexiconLSHK (Linguistics Society of Hong Kong) Outstanding Thesis Award
2013-14CHEUNG, Lai ShanThe Acquisition of Spatial Device in Cantonese by Deaf/hard-of-hearing Children in Hong Kong-
2013-14LAM, Kin WahSemantics of Cantonese verbal particle faan (?): The non-resumptive use-
2013-14LAU, Chung Yin Joseph Towards a Hierarchical Phonological Processing Hypothesis: A Preliminary Event-Related Potential Study on Pre-attentive versus Attentive Processing of Cantonese Vowel Allophony-
2013-14LIU, JiaxiThe Ditransitive Constructions in the Changsha Dialect-
2013-14LUK, San Hei KennyLexically-driven Perceptual Learning in Speech by Mandarin Listeners-
2013-14SHU, YizhouTalker Normalization, N400 effect and predictability: An Event-related Potential (ERP) Studies on Mandarin Lexical Tone Perception-
2013-14WANG, QiushiL2 Acquisition of Chinese Pyschological Verbs by English Speaker Learners-
2013-14YIN, YanjunContent Effect in the Perception of Lexical Tones in Mandarin: An EFR Study-
2013-14YU, BunHistorical Documentation of the HK Sign Language Used in Canossa School for the Deaf/Caritas Magdalene School-
2013-14ZHANG, XiaoqianHow Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL) Express Spatial Concepts-
2013-14ZHONG, JingL1 Transfer Induced by Homophonous Morphemes: A Study of the Acquisition of Cantonese Perfective Aspect Marker zo2 by Mandarin Speaking Learners-
2013-14ZHOU, XingOverpassivization of English Unaccusatives Verbs by Chinese Learners-
2014-15CHAN, Ying YanThe acquisition of bei2 'give'-constructions in Cantonese by adult Mandarin English bilinguals-
2014-15ENDO, EitaRelative clauses in Japanese Sign Language-
2014-15KWAN, Man HoA preliminary study on the interpretation of mathematical discourse-
2014-15LAM, Wai OnA clausal ellipsis account of Cantonese right dislocation-
2014-15LI, TianshuStudy of syntax, semantics and context of Chinese imperfective structure ZAI+V+ZHE-
2014-15LYU, LuThe acquisition of progressive aspect in Cantonese-English bilingual children-
2014-15REN, XinranA study on Mandarin L2 learners acquiring Korean initial obstruents in different contexts-
2014-15SHIMOTANI, NatsukoHead nod as a prosodic cue in Japanese Sign Language and its use by native signers and non-native interpreters-
2014-15TIAN, ZijiaHow feedback and individual difference in memory capacity affect second language vocabulary acquisition-
2014-15WANG, TingTracking object-state representation in online language comprehension: Does linguistic structure matter?-
2014-15WONG, Yee PingDifference in comprehensibility of spontaneous and read speech of Japanese-
2014-15YAM, On KitThe study of signed-and-spoken language contact phenomenon: How railway station names are expressed in Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL)-
2014-15ZHANG, KaileNormalization of lexical tones and non-linguistic pitches: different mechanisms are employed-
2014-15ZHANG, YijinA descriptive analysis of verb-reduplication patterns in Ningbo dialect-
2014-15ZHENG, QianwenInvestigation of English Production in Mandarin and Cantonese Speakers from Mainland China and Hong Kong-
2015-16DENG, XiziA Study of Tone Sandhi Pattern in Leshan Dialect-
2015-16LAU, Yan Ping HelenaA Corpus-based Study on Near-Synonymous Manner Adverbs in Mandarin Chinese-
2015-16LEE, Ka ChunOld Category in a New Position: Processing Bare Cantonese Classifier in the Subject Position by Mandarin-Cantonese Late Bilinguals-
2015-16LI, Wan Yee ScarletThe Relation of Working Memory, Declarative Memory and Procedural Memory as Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition-
2015-16WU, YuqiThe Acquisition of Cantonese Sentence-final Particles by a Mandarin-speaking Child: from Monolingual to Bilingual-
2015-16ZHAO, QiweiA Study of How Post-focus Compression (PFC) is Realized by Mandarin-Cantonese Bilinguals-
2016-17BURGHARDT, Rens EliaPeeking Beyond the Revised Hierarchical Model: Do Hearing Adults Use Spoken Language Lexicon When Learning Sign Language?-
2016-17CHAN, Shu LaamAnalysis on Separable Non-Verb-Object Compounds in Cantonese-
2016-17CHEUNG, Pui YuA Comparative Study of the Semantics of Spatial Locatives on, in and at in Hong Kong English and Hai (?) in Cantonese-
2016-17HE, ChangThe Lexical and Metalinguistic Development of a Trilingual Child: a Corpus-Based Study-
2016-17HUANG, LuThe Tone-Melody Mapping in Chaozhou Music-
2016-17LI JiayuMandarin-speaking Children's Interpretation of Object Quantified Noun Phrases in Negative Sentences-
2016-17TSOI, Sin YanCantonese-speaking children's acquisition of antonyms: A study of committedness-
2016-17WU, JiaweiAcquisition of Long-distance BEI-constructions for Mandarin-speaking Children-
2016-17XU, ShimengExploring Morphosyntactic Transfer in Third Language Acquisition: The Role of Typological Closeness and The Underlying Neural Constitution-
2016-17ZHANG, FengChinese Preschool Children's Comprehension of Modifier-head Compound-
2016-17ZHANG, WeijunAn Experimental Study on Contemporary  Variation of Wenzhou Wu Tones-
2016-17ZONG, WenqingInfluence of Bilingualism and Socioeconomic Status on Brainstem Encoding of Lexical Tones-
2017-18CHAN, Kai LaiFrom Disfluency to Interjective Hesitator: A Direct Observation on Conversations Between Hong Kong Sign Language Signers-
2017-18FAN, XiaoqingA Corpus-Based Study on Prosodic Linking by Chinese Majors of English-
2017-18HE, JiayuHow Dialect Experience and Extents of Bilingualism Affect Chinese Children's Phonological Awareness-
2017-18HONG, YitianLanguage Shift in a Chaozhou-Speaking Family Across Three Generations-
2017-18HUI, ShunyuOn Distinction Among Beijing Dialect VP+dele 得了, VP+haole 好了 and VP+suanle算了-
2017-18KEAT, SoklyWord Oders in Cambodian Sign Language: Grammar of Late L1 Learners and Late Acquisition of L1-
2017-18MA, ShuyaAcquisition of Lexical Aspect in Chinese by Hong Kong Deaf Children-
2017-18MUT, Tsz ChingSyntactic Choices of L1 Cantonese-L2 English-L3 Korean Speakers: Backward Influence on Prepositional Object Construction (POC) or Double Object Construction (DOC) in L2 English-
2017-18SHANG, MengyaoAcquisition and Development of the Resultative Verb Compound in Heritage Mandarin Chinese-
2017-18SHEN, SenyaoThe Acquisition of Noun Phrases as Objects in Mandarin ------ A Corpus-based Study of Heritage Chinese Children-
2017-18YANG, YujingOn the Study of Chinese Double-false Counterfactual Conditionals-
2017-18ZENG, JunA Survey on Sentence-Final Particles of Hukeng-
2017-18ZHANG, WeiweiPolar Questions with 'a' in Shanghainese-
2017-18ZHAO, MingweiProcessing Tonal Information in Mandarin Chinese Visual Word Recognition: Evidence from the Lexical Decision Task-
2018-19CHEW, Kai MunA Study of Referring Expressions in Malaysian Sign Language/Bahasa Isyarat Malaysia (BIM)-
2018-19DU, YuqiaoInvestigation into the Degree Modification on Mandarin Complex Adjectives and the Little a Hypothesis-
2018-19GE, XiaotongCost of switching Between Eastern Min and Mandarin-
2018-19GONG, MinzhiBackward Influence of Foreign Language English on Native Language Chinese - the Interpretation of an Overt Subject Pronoun-
2018-19HASLETT, DavidWordform as a Motiviation for Semantic Change-
2018-19HUANG, YanyanReverse Transfer from L3 French to L2 English Possessive Constructions among L1 Mandarin Speakers-
2018-19LIN, ZemingAcoustic and Perceptual Bases of Judgements of Mandarin-speaking Males’ Orientation-
2018-19MAN, Ho YinIncident Collocation Learning: Effects of Collocational Knowledge or Semantic Knowledge-
2018-19SUN, YaoMouth Gesture Categorization in Hong Kong Sign Language-
2018-19TAN, WeijieThe Syntactic and Prosodic Approaches and the Influence of Word Frequency, Syllable Weight and Stress on Mandarin Clausal Tone Sandhi-
2018-19WANG, JiahongMirativity in Golog Tibetan-
2018-19XIONG, YixuanLexical Frequency and the Entering Tone Merging in the Nanchang Dialect-
2018-19YAN, MiaocaiA Study of the x-ren Structure in Pinging Dialect-
2018-19ZHANG, AnqiThe Acquisition of Prosodic Cues in HKSL by a Deaf Child: A Case Study-
2018-19ZHAO, ShengnanCorpus Study of Chinese Heritage Children: Acquisition of Directional Verb Complements in Mandarin Used for Motion Events-
2018-19ZHU, ZhiqiangThe Production of Chinese /r/ Sounds by Advanced L1 Japanese Learners of Chinese and Japanese-Chinese Simultaneous Bilinguals-
2018-19KAN, Ka HoThe Acquisition of Verb-Particle Constructions and Directional Verb Complements in Bilingual Children and Heritage Chinese Children-
2019-20DUAN XUFENGIs there Sensorimotor Simulation of Linguistic Meaning? Evidence from Chinese-
2019-20HAN TianyiHow do People Re-interpret Implausible Sentences? Evidence from Structural Priming in Chinese-
2019-20HO Ka YiuInvestigation on Phonological Cues of Word Classes in Cantonese-
2019-20LEI WanLocative Constructions between Deaf Fluent Signers and Hearing L2 Signers in Macao – A Comparison-
2019-20LYU DanqianLexicalization Patterns in Motion Event Expressions by Chinese-English Bilingual Children-
2019-20WIJAYA Laura LesmanaPointing Signs in Jakarta Sign Language-
2019-20XU WENWEIOn the Voicing Contrast and Phonation Types in Kunshan Wu-
2019-20YANAI YuyaHearing Students’ Language Attitude towards Hong Kong Sign Language and Deaf People in the Secondary Bimodal Bilingual Co-enrollment Program-
2019-20YE QingyuThe Relationship between Phonological Awareness, Morphological Awareness, Listening Vocabulary and Listening Comprehension in English Second Language Adult Learners-
2019-20YE ShiyunThe Syntactic Structure of Demonstrative Noun Phrases in Tonglu Wu Dialect-
2019-20YIN JiayiTones and Tone Sandhi in the Eastern Urban Shijiazhuang Dialect-
2019-20ZHANG LanInterlanguage Pragmatics: An Investigation of Pragmatic Transfer in the Speech Act of Refusal by Chinese EFL Learners-
2019-20ZHANG YuweiThe Use of Classifiers by Mandarin Heritage Language Children: A Corpus-based Study-
2019-20ZHENG MinghaoContraints of Tones, Vowels and Consonants in Cantonese-
2020-21CHU Kwan Ngai KennySources of Handshape Errors in Adult Second Language Learners of Hong Kong Sign Language-
2020-21HUANG ZhixianJi in Mandarin Chinese and Its Acquisition: Scalarity, Polarity and Numerosity-
2020-21KWOK Ho LingEffects of Input Methods on Character Amnesia in Chinese Handwriting-
2020-21LAU Kwok ChungA furtherer Study: The Acoustic Characteristics and Perceived Sexual Orientation of Cantonese Gay Speech-
2020-21LI XiangyuA Lexicalist View of Hakka zo-tet as a Base-generated Modal-
2020-21MENDOZA CarleonFilipino Children’s Acquisition of English and Filipino Cardinal Number Words: Exploring the Relationship between Code-switching, Number Value, and Mathematical Achievement-
2020-21QU YouPredicting Learning Outcomes from Different Priming Measures-
2020-21SHU TongThe Perception and Production of Mandarin Neutral Tone by L2 Learners with L1-Japanese and L1-Korean-
2020-21TANG Kin Man CarmenSimultaneous Processing in Language and Music: A Study on Cantonese-speaking (Non)Musicians-
2020-21WANG YitingThe Interplay between Aspect Markers and Sentence-Final Particles: A Corpus Study of the Use of Le in Child Mandarin-
2020-21Wong Yiu Leung AaronComparing Discoursal Features of Hong Kong Sign Language in Informal Narrative and Formal Register-
2020-21XU ZeboSimulation perspective in sentence comprehension: an fNIRS study-
2020-21XU ZetaoOn the interaction of causal and instrumental readings of the wh-adjunct zěnme with Sentence-Final Particles le and de in Mandarin Chinese-
2020-21YAN JingAn analysis of palatalization inTrinidadian English Creole-
2020-21ZHANG SihanDiachronic change of ge in Ningbo dialect from 1850s to now-
2020-21ZHAO XuejiaoCorrelations of structural priming, lexical alignment and phonological priming-
2021-22JIANG, YueThe Influence of Background Languages and Music Lesson Experience on the Acquisition of L3 Phonology-
2021-22LIU, XinyueAn Analysis of the Medial [i] in the Jin Dialect Spoken in the Donghe District of Baotou-
2021-22LUI, Wai WaImplicit Learning of Korean Obstruent Nasalization Rule and Stress Regularities -
2021-22MENG, HanzhangOn Notional Passives with Resultative Verb Compounds in Mandarin Chinese -
2021-22SHEN, ChenyuanAcoustic Characteristics of Mandarin-English Bilingual Speakers’ L3-Korean Syllable-final /l/: the Role of L1, L2, and L3 Proficiency-
2021-22SUN, JiayingProsodic Encoding of Focus and Interrogative Meaning in Nanjing Dialect-
2021-22WANG, YuningCross-scripts Abstract Radical Identities: A Priming study on Chinese Character Recognition-
2021-22XIANG, MinThe Acquisition of GEI by Mandarin-speaking Children at Early Stages-
2021-22ZHANG, JiayiAcquisition of the Universal Quantifier Dou in Child Mandarin: A Corpus-based Study  -
2021-22ZHANG, YichiInterlocutor modeling in lexical alignment: The role of Theory of Mind -
2021-22ZHANG, YingxinThe Acquisition of Chinese negation and its aspectual selection – a corpus-based study -
2021-22ZHANG, YutingCompounding in Hong Kong Sign Language -
2021-22ZHANG, ZeyiVariation and Productivity of Disyllabic Tone Sandhi in Tianjin Chinese -
2021-22ZHAO, ZiyiCross-linguistic influence in L3 phonology acquisition: Evidence from the acquisition of speech rhythm by L3 learners of German, French and Korean  -
2021-22ZHOU, YuxinCross-situational Word Learning: Effects of Linguistic Cues and the Concepts Contained on Tracking Statistics -
2022-23Ai, BoteThe Consonant Changes in Ezhou Dialect Under the Influence of Putonghua-
2022-23BHAROTO, Adhi KusumoBasic color signs in Indonesia Sign Langauge (Bisindo)-
2022-23CHENG, Man WaiA case study on the acquisition of (non-)existential predicates in Cantonese and HKSL by a deaf bimodal bilingual child-
2022-23CUI, QiA Phonological Analysis of Syllable Contraction in Pingdingshan Dialect-
2022-23GAN, RuyiInfluence of The Use of VOT and Onset F0 by Mandarin and Korean Speakers on The Acquisition of Spanish Plosive Contrasts-
2022-23GURUNG,  SushilaWh-Questions in Bhutanese Sign Language-
2022-23HONG, DanleiNon-native perception of Chaoshan tones by sequential bilingual Cantonese-Mandarin speakers and monolingual Mandarin speakers-
2022-23Hung, Wan SunnyAcquisition of Pitch Accent for Japanese Compound Words by Hong Kong Cantonese speakers-
2022-23JIN, XinwenNon-native Tone Perception by Native Speakers of Cantonese and Shanghainese-
2022-23MO, YingxiA corpus-based investigation on the acquisition of English verbal inflectional morphemes by Cantonese-English bilingual children and heritage Cantonese children-
2022-23SEN, KrishneerA Cross-Linguistic Study on the Negation in Fiji Sign Language (FJSL)-
2022-23TAWAKETINI , INISE MariaNominal Order of the Noun Phrase in Fiji Sign Language-
2022-23WANG, HaoliangNarrative Features of Cantonese-speaking Children with Autism: A Computational Approach-
2022-23WANG, YanThe Syntax of the Mandarin Num-Cl P Num-Cl Constructions-
2022-23WANG, KaidiAcquisition of Tone Differentiated contrasts in Cantonese Learning Infants-
2022-23WANG, LeyaoCantonese-English code-mixing in written language: A study of social media language use in Hong Kong-
2022-23XIANG, MeiyuThe Home Language Environment and Early Language Development in Rural and Urban China-
2022-23XIAO, BeiChatGPT for Foreign Language Learning-
2022-23YANG, ShuangA clitic doubling construction with kotshən/ko in Chongqing dialect-
2022-23ZHANG, YifengSyntactic Structure and Semantic Interpretation of Constructions on Gradable Adjectives in Mandarin-
2022-23ZHANG, FengyanThe Comparison of Sentence-Final Particles between Mandarin and Jin Dialect-
2022-23ZHOU, YangcenIdentifying Grammatical Properties of Infix tɕ‘iəu  in Chongqing Dialect-
2022-23ZHOU, HenanThe Interaction Between Tone and Intonation of Yes-no Questions in Tangshan Mandarin Dialect-


CAO, Jingwen

A Multifactorial Corpus-based Analysis of Classifier Positioning in Mandarin Relative Clauses


CHEN, Chuqiao

Effects of native tone system and dual-tone experience on non-native tone perception


CHEN, Shuying

Reverse Transfer of L3 French on the acquisition of L2 English tense and aspect among L1 Mandarin speakers



Perception of syllable-initial and syllable-final nasals in Cantonese: a comparison of native and non-native listeners


FEI, Haosen

The Acquisition of Verbal Agreement in Hong Kong Sign Language: A Longitudinal Case Study of a Bimodal Bilingual


GU, Yi

Bilingual Input by Bilingual Mothers in Child-Directed Storytelling and Naturalistic Toy Play


HUANG, Dongqing

A Behavioral Profile Analysis of Interrogative Mood Particles between Nanjing and Beijing Dialect: A Typological Comparative Perspective


LI, Yuxi

Investigating the Impact of Tonal System Complexity in Language on Speaker's Pitch Perception Abilities: Implications for Cross-domain Transferability


LIANG, Mingwei

Translanguaging in Trilingual Children: the Lexical Gap Hypothesis


PENG, Yanyi

Learning Unfamiliar Tongues: Comparing Human and GPT-2 Mastery of Brocanto2


RAO, Xiaohui

Comprehending semantic and syntactic anomalies from an LLM versus human interlocutor: An ERP study


SHEN, Ziyan

Phonological Cross-Linguistic Influence at the Initial Stage of L3 Acquisition


WANG, Hongyan

The role of syntactic and semantic processing during Chinese classifier-noun phrase comprehension: a preliminary study



Core neural circuits and behavioral correlates of auditory category


XU, Shujing

The Intonation Pattern in the Production of Cantonese-English-Mandarin Trilingual Adults


XU, Yue

Using Eye-Tracking Study to Investigate Chinese Reading Fluency and Orthographic-Phonological Sense of Hong Kong Deaf Individuals


XU, Zijing

Tonal adaptation of English loanwords in Mandarin Chinese


YE, Peng

Development of Verbs in Early Trilingual Acquisition from 1;11 to 9;1: An Eight-year Longitudinal Case Study



The Syntax-semantic Study on “maai4” in Cantonese


ZHAO, Zhiheng

A Syntactic Analysis of Unlabeled Patient-subject sentences in Baoshan Dialect


ZHU, Wangyue

A Phonetic Description of the Tone Sandhi Patterns of the [ɛ]仔-suffixed words in Zhao’an Min