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Master of Arts (MA)
programme in Chinese Linguisitcs and Language Acquisition

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  4. Master of Arts (MA) Programme in Chinese Linguistics And Language Acquisition – Research Papers

Master of Arts (MA) programme in Chinese Linguistics and Language Acquisition
Research Papers (since 2008)

YearNameResearch Paper Topic
2008-09JIANG, Wen南京方言兒化規則及其特徵架構分析
2008-09LI, Jia無鍚話雙音節字組連續變調再分析
2008-09LI, Qun日本學習者普通話塞音習得研究
2008-09SONG, ZhengAn Analysis of 「Ya」 (丫) in Beijing Dialect and a Comparison on the Use of ya Between Native and Non-native Young People of Beijing
2008-09ZHANG, WenThe Interpretation of Verb+le and Resultative Verb Compounds by Mandarin-speaking Children
2008-09ZHANG, Zhang普通話兒童疑問詞的存在性非疑問用法獲得
2008-09ZHOU, Kang漢語「頭」的語法化探析
2009-10CAI, Weisi成人漢語學習者附帶詞彙學習情況個案調查
2009-10CHEN, Chen二語學習者的形聲字正字法意識的發展
2009-10CHEN, Qiuyue香港普通話學習者聲調偏誤實驗研究
2009-10CHEN, YiyuanThe Temporal and Aspectual Properties of the 'You+VP' Construction in Mandarin Chinese
2009-10LU, Li普通話兒童對漢語動詞後短語結構的獲得
2009-10SHI, Xinyuan吳語中合口介音的消失
2009-10SUI, Nan漢語中'是'的句法結構和詞性分析
2009-10YANG, Wenchun侗語指示代詞結構的句法分析
2010-11CHAO, Chao常州方言中的助詞'佬'與'個'
2010-11DUAN, Xiawei普通話6-10兒童集合量詞習得研究
2010-11GONG, Wei漢語聲母zh, ch, sh 聽覺感知及教學研究
2010-11LI, JingwenAcquisition of Mandarin Tones by Cantonese Speaker: A Production Study on Language Transfer
2010-11LI, RuyuThe Role of Morphological Awareness in Chinese as Second Language Incidential Character Learning
2010-11WANG, WenxiThe acquisition of Mandarin 'gei' of Cantonese native speakers
2011-12BAI, BingThe Acquisition of Duration of Chinese diphthongs by Thai Learners
2011-12CHENG QiAn Acquisition-Oriented Approach to Mandarin Adverb 'Ye' in Cordinate Structure
2011-12LIU, Lei淺談吳方言中'動疊+補'現象
2012-13CHENG, Lanjun漢語併音及英語詞彙通達的非語言選擇性現象考究
2012-13CUI, QiThe Influence of Embedding on Quantifier Scope Reading
2012-13DING, Qifan北京話中韻律邊界等級和焦點對邊界時長的影響
2012-13GAO, Zhe兒綴和子綴作為名詞可數標記的探究–以徐州方語為例
2012-13GUO, WeiThe Acquisition of Similar and 'New' Chinese Syllable Initials by  Highly Proficient Korean Learners of Chinese
2012-13HU, YunyiThe Acquisition of Mandarin Nominal Structures by Hong Kong Deaf Children
2012-13HUANG, TingThe Acquisition of Mandarin Palatal Consonants: From the Perspective of Spanish-speaking Learners
2012-13REN, Jian3到6歲普通話兒童獲'在X'語義的研究
2012-13SUN, Wenjiao普通話快速語流 'V-V' 結構中的音節弱化現象分析
2012-13WANG, XiaoCan Foreign Tone Elicit Speech Dissociation in Mandarin Speakers with Amusia?
2012-13YANG, YikeOptionality in the Acquisition of the Mandarin ba-construction by Cantonese Learners of Mandarin 
2012-13ZHAO, He韓國留學生漢語陽平、上聲偏誤分析與教學探討
2012-13ZHAO, WanjunCategorial Perception of Lip Configuration of Vowels between Mandarin and Cantonese
2012-13ZHENG, Qiuchen漢語元音對聲調感知邊界的影響 
2013-14CAO, YuThe Syntax and Semantics of Gapping-like Ellipsis in Chinese
2013-14CHEN, Fangfang現代漢語類詞綴淺析–以新興人稱類詞綴為例
2013-14CHENG, Xiaoqian長沙方言的「咖」和「噠」的分佈特徵及其語法功能
2013-14MO, Yiyan吳語湖州方言「V得X」的體貌特徵
2013-14PAN, Jingying常州方言中給予類動詞的使用情況淺析
2013-14WANG, Qiuchen韓國漢語學習者漢語聲調與是非問句語調習得及其相互影響
2013-14WANG, Ruibo以韓語為母語的漢語學習者對像介詞習得研究–以「對」、「跟」、「給」、「向」為例
2013-14WEI, Danli母語為英語的漢語學習者漢語'比'字句習得研究
2013-14ZHANG, Qiang張家口地區方言單字調聲調特徵研究
2013-14ZHOU, Jiamian寧波話中的方所表述與語序類型的關聯
2013-14ZHU, YanjiaoA Study of Reverse Lexical Transfer in Perception - The Effects of Third Language Acquisition
2015-16LI, DanweiThe Effect of the Third Language on Previous Acquired Languages: Evidence from Visual Recognition
2015-16LI, XiaolinPerception of Allophones of Mora Nasal/N/ by Native and Non-native Speakers
2015-16LIU, TianfanA Study on the Underlying Representations of the Third Tone in Mandarin Chinese - New Evidence from EEG Experiments
2015-16LUO, JingxinA Study on Perception of Cantonese Vowel Length Contrasts by Mandarin Speakers
2015-16WU, YiObject Realization in Child Second Language Acquisition of English
2015-16YANG, Zhuojun表比較的「有」字肯定句中的「那麼/這麼」省略情況考案
2015-16ZHANG, Xinyu漢語原因疑問詞「為甚麼」的生成位置研究
2016-17KOU, Yingzhi英語二語學習者與母語者英語音節劃分的對比研究
2016-17LIU, Xiaoxuan關於漢語普通話上聲本質的研究
2016-17PAN, Xing
2016-17WANG, HaomingThe Distributional Constraints of 'Mei+Num+CL+NP' and 'Suoyou +NP' in the Subject Position
2016-17WANG, Yi普通話母語者對英語/ θ/ 和/s/的產出與感知研究
2016-17WANG, Yizhou母語為粵語的普通話學習者三聲變調情況探究
2016-17WU Dazhen不同方言使者對粵語輔音性韻尾的習得研究
2016-17XIE, ChengyuanThe Production of English Diphthongs and Mandarin Diphthongs by Mandarin Speakers
2016-17XUE, BoThe Architecture of Control - A Cartographical Approach to Controller Selection in Mandarin Speech Act Verbs
2017-18CHE, JieqiongAn Acoustic Approach to Creaky Voice in Tiantai Dialect
2017-18CHOY, Long HinExpressive Prosody in Tone-Language-Speaking Individuals with Autism
2017-18DI, Yuqing試論 'V+了 (有定性) N!' 結構祈使句句型中動詞V的特徵及祈使句合法的必要條件 — 從祈使句指令的有界性角度入手
2017-18KOENDERS, Emily Anna JantienNoun Classifiers in Hong Kong Sign Language
2017-18SUN, Mingze漢語雙重否定句的形式及語義分析
2017-18TANG, Xuepei漢語普通話學齡前兒童定中式複合名詞構詞意識研究
2017-18XU, XiaoweiV一下'結構研究
2018-19LI, ChunziThe Perception of Cantonese Lexical Tones by Mandarin, Mandarin-Shanghainese and Mandarin-Changsha Dialect Speakers
2018-19LIU, ZhentingTone Merging in the Production of Cantonese Speaking Children with Autism
2018-19SHI, YibingDisyllabic Tone Sandhi in Ningbo Wu: On the Phonology-Syntax Interface
2018-19ZHU, Xinyu“是......的”句式的句法語義限制研究
2019-20SANG TianThe Influence of Segmental and Suprasegmental Factors on English Intelligibility Spoken by English L2 Learners in China – Taking Phoneme and Stress Placement as Examples
2019-20SUN ZhuyingDo Speakers Design Their Speech According to the Interlocutor? Evidence from Lexical Alignment in Chinese
2019-20TAN hui漢語A-not-A 問句句法結構形式與兒童早期習得研究
2019-20WU YufengDo Listeners Model the Speaker in Spoken Word Recognition? Evidence from the Lexical Access of Chinese Heterographic Homophones
2019-20XIAO YITONGTones and Tone Sandhi in the Shexian (Hebei) Dialect
2019-20YAN YixuanDistributivity in Child and Adult Mandarin
2019-20YUN Tong日英母語者漢語二語寫作中的零形回指對比研究
2019-20ZHANG Xinyi從語篇分析的角度對比晚清民國時期及現代的性別語言差異
2019-20ZHENG Boxin漢語兒童雙重量化句轄域理解
2020-21CHEN Qingyi萍鄉方言聲調及雙音節詞的變調研究
2020-21DUAN Yixue漢語兒童非典型語序句式及其名詞成分指稱性的早期習得
2020-21LIU Jiajia鹽城(鹽都區)方言連讀變調研究
2020-21MENG ZiyanPhonological Encoding in Mandarin-English Bilingual Coactivation: Proximate Units and Lexical Tone Matter
2020-21NIU YufeiThe Effect of L2 Proficiency on Pitch and Phonation Sensitivity in Naive Tone Perception - A Study of Wenzhou Dialect Tone Perception by English Learners of Mandarin
2020-21TANG ChenThe Effect of Lexical Semantic and Animacy Cues on Children’s Comprehension of Chinese BEI Passive
2020-21TANG Fuyao漢語耳誤研究
2020-21WANG Cen閩南方言中的“來去”結構
2020-21WU Chenyan漢語形容詞並列結構對於關聯詞語的選擇
2020-21XIA Yuandong江陰吳語(祝塘鎮)聲調及雙音節詞變調研究
2021-22CHENG, Mianzhi祁陽方言複數標記“一個”的語義結構功能研究
2021-22JIA, Song給”進入“給+VP”構式的限制條件研究
2021-22LI, FushiComplexity and Language Context  of Child Code-Mixed Utterances: A Case study on Child Chinese Heritage Speakers 
2021-22LI, Mimi漣源方言與新老湘語代表方言——長沙方言和雙峰方言的新老兩派詞彙相關度計量研究
2021-22LI, QitingAcquisition of Mirative Particles wo3, wo4 and Evidential Particle wo5 by Preschool Cantonese-speaking Children 
2021-22LI, Wenqi晉語句末體助詞共現研究
2021-22LIN, Haoyu馬來西亞詩巫閩清方言單字調的實驗語音學研究
2021-22LIU, Xuan普通話母語者和普客雙語者粵語舒聲調感知情況研究
2021-22NONG, YanhuaMotion Event in Zhuang: On Its Morphosyntax and Typology 
2021-22TANG, Yi轉換生成語法視角下的句末語氣詞——以四川德陽方言句末“哆”和“在”為例
2021-22XIA, YuCross-dialect similarities of lexical tones modulate non-native tone category learning success 
2021-22ZHOU, QingyingThe Acquisition of Chinese Modal neng: A Study on Chinese-speaking Children 
2021-22ZOU, ZiyanHow gender affects immigrants’ accent variation--An acoustic study on Hunan immigrants in Beijing
2022-23CAI, YanOn de and demonstrative in Chinese Relative Construction
2022-23GAO, RuiyaoChatGPT and Chinese classical poetry translation: A preliminary study
2022-23LAM, Wui HeiPalatalized [ts] and [tsh ] in Cantonese: What social factors contribute to it?
2022-23LI, XiaotongA preliminary study on the Northeastern Mandarin interrogative za
2022-23WAN, YuxiSecond Language Vocabulary Development in Preschool Children:  A Study of Mandarin and English Receptive Vocabulary Development in Cantonese-speaking Children in Hong Kong
2022-23WANG, CHUN漳州方言單字調和連讀變調的聲學語音學研究
2022-23YANG, YangExploration on the Types of Negative Usage of '阿VP' in Baoshan Dialect
2022-23YANG, YangAcquisition of the non-interrogative uses of the wh-element na in child Mandarin
2022-23YE, ChunyiA Study of the Degree Semantics of Monosyllabic Adjective Reduplication
2022-23YU, TongWhich Language-specificity aptitude test better predicts individual differences?
2022-23YU, HuanleA comparative study on “cai (才)” and “jiu (就)” in Mandarin Chinese