The following is a small collection of audio/video clips of spontaneous Cantonese speech containing dislocation sentences. They are taken from programs on MyRadio, OurRadio and HK GreenRadio.
Why? I wrote my Master theses (CUHK, UCLA) on the Right Dislocation (which I also called Dislocation Focus Construction). When I talked to people about it, people are sometimes skeptical about the naturalness of the sentences. So I collected these right dislocation sentences to show how natural they are in spontaneous conversation.
You need a browser that supports HTML5 to play the audio clips in the table below. They include Chrome 4+, Firefox 3.6+, Opera 10.5+ and Safari4+.
  | Utterance | Sound Clip |
1 | 全部都不歡而散o既,幾個題目都講到。 | |
2 | 三成囉,得番。 | |
3 | 呢個共產黨呢o架嘛,又係。 | |
4 | 千祈唔好去頂爛市呀,叫啲大學生。 | |
5 | 因為我要培訓o架嘛,其實係。 | |
6 | 香港鞋業中心嚟o架嘛,以前。 | |
7 | 睇咗三次醫生o架喇,我太太都。 | |
8 | 我而家都申請做佢文膽o架嘛,因爲。 | |
9 |
(i) 佢成日講埋嗰啲阿媽係女人嗰啲嘢嚟o架嘛,好多時都。 ... (ii) 啫係佢成日同自己相反o架嘛,有時候講啲嘢會。 |
10 | 成日都講錯嘢o架嘛,我哋都。 | |
11 | 俾把刀佢嘞,不如。 | |
12 | 佢要扶植百度吖嘛,而家係。 | |
13 | 點解博士講親呢啲嘢都係估唔到嘅呢,搞到人哋? | |
14 | 其實今次呢,呢個醫療改革方案呢,嘩,真係好險喎,過得。 | |
15 | Complicate啲o架嘛,應該啲test。 | |
16 | 一、兩蚊之嘛,根本。 | |
17 | 但係佢焗唔死個喎,真係可以。 | |
18 | 滯後o架嘛,永遠都係,係咪先,股票? | |
19 | 你做 cameraman 囉,嗰陣時咪。 | |
20 | 唔係佢就啫係降温囉,將件事。 | |
21 | 好悶o架,呢個世界咁樣會。 | |
22 | 白癡囉,咪。 |
Last Updated: 2015/07/23