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June 2024
Jun 20

Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition (WOLTLA2024)

Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition (WOLTLA2024) 理論語言學與語言獲得研討會 2024

The Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition 2024 (WOLTLA2024) will be held next week on June 20-21, 2024 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. The theme of the Workshop intends to promote the theoretical study of language and empirical work on language acquisition, with a focus on the languages of East Asia. The two-day event includes 14 invited talks to be delivered by fifteen scholars from China (Mainland, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan), Japan, The United Kingdom, and The United States of America.

Invited speakers
    • Zhenyu Chen (Fudan University) 陳振宇(復旦大學)
    • Hin Tat Cheung (Asia University) 張顯達(亞洲大學)
    • Atsushi Fujimori (University of Shizuoka) 藤森敦之(靜岡縣立大學)
    • Jianhua Hu (Guangdong University of Foreign Studies/Chinese Academy of Social Sciences) 胡建華(廣東外語外貿大學/中國社會科學院)
    • Yan Jiang (SOAS University of London) 蔣嚴(倫敦大學亞非學院)
    • Paul Law (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 羅振南(香港中文大學)
    • Thomas Hun-tak Lee (The Chinese University of Hong Kong) 李行德(香港中文大學)
    • Xuping Li (Zhejiang University) 李旭平(浙江大學)
  • Shuo Lu (Shenzhen University) 陸爍(深圳大學)
  • Keiko Murasugi (Nanzan University) 村杉惠子(南山大學)
  • Yuan Shen (Fudan University) 沈園(復旦大學)
  • Yingying Wang (Hunan University) 王瑩瑩(湖南大學)
  • Xiaolu Yang (Tsinghua University) 楊小璐(清華大學)
  • Noriko Yoshimura (University of Shizuoka) 吉村紀子(靜岡縣立大學)
  • Hongming Zhang (Macau University of Science and Technology/University of Wisconsin–Madison) 張洪明(澳門科技大學/美國威斯康辛大學麥迪遜校區)
Conference website Registration (by June 18, 2024) Organizer Language Acquisition Laboratory Department of Linguistics and Modern Languages The Chinese University of Hong Kong Conference email Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition (WOLTLA2024)
Lecture Theatre 6, 2/F., Yasumoto International Academic Park, The Chinese University of Hong Kong,
Workshop on Linguistic Theory and Language Acquisition (WOLTLA2024)
May 2024
May 08

調查指不足一成手語翻譯員為全職工作,倡籌辦水平認證推動專業 (RTHK)


調查在今年3至4月以網上問卷形式進行,四成六受訪者從事手語翻譯不足5年;近一半人表示,剛開展手語翻譯職涯;近七成人認為,現時迫切需要更多翻譯培訓課程。 中大手語翻譯調查項目調查員陳意軒表示,社聯的手語翻譯員名單只有55人,不少政府部門和商業機構聘請手語翻譯員時,都要求申請人必須在有關名單上,而名單要求申請者須證明過往兩年曾從事手語翻譯工作超過200小時,並不代表其翻譯質素經過檢定;又提到海外的手語翻譯員專業協會能在從業員遇上困難時提供指導,但香港仍未有這類協會去支援從業員。 [Details]

The Chinese University is calling for better accreditation and training for sign language interpreters, following an increase in demand for their services. The university's Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies surveyed 185 sign language interpreters from March to April and found less than 10 percent of them had experience as full-time interpreters, while almost half had less than five years' experience. The centre’s director, Professor Gladys Tang, said some interpreters also could not find appropriate courses to further their skills. She told Ben Tse that most interpreting services were one-off and could not address all the needs of deaf people:


負責調查的中大手語及聾人研究中心主任鄧慧蘭表示,手語翻譯在本港仍未專業化,提供相關課程的機構少,而目前,社會服務聯會的手語翻譯員名單只有55人,面對全港近萬個懂得手語的聾啞人士來說,是供不應求。 鄧慧蘭期望,當局可以為手語翻譯提供考試以至資歷認證,又相信有助減低翻譯出錯的機會。 記者潘潔平訪問過鄧慧蘭。
調查指不足一成手語翻譯員為全職工作,倡籌辦水平認證推動專業 (RTHK)
April 2024
Apr 24

English Language Coordinator - US Consulate Hong Kong & Macau

Salary: HKD $337,405 - HKD $522,982 /Per Year

Work Schedule: Full-time (40 hours per week) (excluding compensated overtime)


  • A minimum of three years of English language teaching experience OR
  • a minimum of two years of English language teaching experience and at least one additional year of experience in teacher training, including organizing and presenting workshops OR
  • a minimum of three years of experience in project management that includes organizing and presenting workshops on English language education, linguistics, or American Studies is required.


  • Coordinates U.S. Consulate General Hong Kong and Macau Public Diplomacy English language outreach to, and engagement with, young audiences, reaching youth, underrepresented communities, minorities, and those who influence them through English teaching and learning programs.
  • Conceives, develops, and implements both in-person and virtual English language teaching and learning programs, projects, initiatives, events, and activities and organizes teacher training and professional development opportunities for English teachers and English teaching professional associations.

More details and application here. Deadline: May 10.

English Language Coordinator - US Consulate Hong Kong & Macau
Apr 13

2024 Programme Taster Fair

Session 1:

  • 10:00 a.m. Fun with Linguisitcs (Speaker: Prof. Maggie MAI)
  • 10:40 a.m. Expand your Horizons: Exploring Modern Languages (Speakers: Mr. Mario Monterrubio Ganan, Mr. Louis Jean Munsch)
  • 10:50 a.m. Q&A Session (Speaker: Prof. Peggy MOK)

Session 2:

  • 11:30 a.m. Fun with Linguisitcs (Speaker: Prof. Maggie MAI)
  • 12:10 p.m. Expand your Horizons: Exploring Modern Languages (Speakers: Mr. Mario Monterrubio Ganan, Mr. Louis Jean Munsch)
  • 12:20 p.m. Q&A Session (Speaker: Prof. Peggy MOK)

Target Audience:
Senior Secondary Students (S4 and S5)


For more information:

Room G03, Lee Shau Kee Architecture Building,
2024 Programme Taster Fair