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Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (2023/24) (OAFA)

June 23, 2023
All day

Event Details

The Scholarship for Prospective English Teachers (“the Scholarship”) is one of a series of measures to enhance the professionalism of English teachers in Hong Kong. It aims to attract persons proficient in English to pursue relevant local bachelor degree programmes and / or teacher training programmes which will qualify them to become English teachers on graduation. The Scholarship is tenable for the normal duration of the intended study programmes. Upon graduation, awardees have to undertake to teach English full-time in primary or secondary schools in Hong Kong (day schools offering a formal curriculum). For awardees on undergraduate degree programmes, the duration of teaching obligation is three years.

The Scholarship (2023/24) will be open for applications from 9 to 18 August 2023. Only applicants who will pursue year one study in relevant study programmes starting from the 2023/24 school year are eligible to apply for the Scholarship. Hence, schools are requested to notify students who are interested in the Scholarship of its details so that students could be reminded to reprioritise their JUPAS programme choices, if necessary, after the release of results for the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) Examination. The list of relevant study programmes is available on the website of the Education Bureau (http://www.edb.gov.hk/scholarship).


Date & Time
23 June 2023
All day