SZE Yim Binh 施婉萍

Associate Professor

Professor SZE Yim Binh Felix

BA, MPhil (CUHK), PhD (U. Bristol)

Prof. Felix Sze received her MPhil in Linguistics from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2000 and her doctorate degree from the Centre for Deaf Studies, University of Bristol, in 2008. Before joining the department, she was a post-doctoral research fellow at the Centre for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Studies (CSLDS), CUHK, conducting research projects on sign language and providing sign linguistic training to the deaf junior researchers from Asia-Pacific countries. Her current research interests include sign language documentation, sign language typology, information structure and non-manuals in Hong Kong Sign Language, as well as language development of deaf children in Hong Kong.


MAIN Research Interests

Sign Language Documentation and Online Resources Development

  • Documentation of lexical data in Asian Sign Languages, including Hong Kong Sign Language, Macau Sign Language, Sri Lankan Sign Language, Jakarta Sign Language, Yogyakarta Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, Myanmar Sign Language (Yangon), Cambodian Sign Language.
  • Documentation of discourse data in Asian Sign Languages, including Hong Kong Sign Language, Macau Sign Language, Sri Lankan Sign Language and Jakarta Sign Language.

Sign Language Analysis

  • Aspects of grammar, e.g., word order, specific linguistic structures, use of non-manuals, etc. in Hong Kong Sign Language and other Asian sign languages.
  • Aspects of sociolinguistics including variations, taboos, and euphemisms.

Bimodal-bilingual language development in deaf/hard of hearing children in Hong Kong and development of sign language assessment tools

  • Bimodal-bilingual language development of deaf/hard of hearing children in Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language.
  • Bimodal-bilingual language processing.
  • Development of sign language assessment tools, e.g., Sentence Repetition Test, Receptive Skills Test, Computerized vocabulary test, Narrative Production Test.

Potential benefits of sign language learning for hearing children and adults

  • Potential benefits of sign language learning for hearing infants and pre-schoolers in their linguistic, metalinguistic, motoric and cognitive abilities.
  • Potential benefits of sign language learning for hearing elderly in terms of their cognitive skills and psychological well-beings.

Developing resources to support the deaf communities and sign interpretation services

  • Development of sign language online resources for the local deaf community, covering general lexical data and specific themes such as sex education, medical knowledge and mental health care.
  • Development assessment tools and resources to support sign interpretation services.


Refereed Publications

Journal papers

  1. Sze, Felix. 2022. From gestures to grammatical non-manuals in sign language: a case study of polar questions and negation in Hong Kong Sign Language. Lingua, 267, 103188.
  2. Sze, Felix. 2021. Effects of the semantic and morphological factors on word order in simple transitive clauses in three Asian Sign Languages. Senri Ethnological Studies 107: 5-41 (Minpaku Sign Language Studies 2). (
  3. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, James Woodward, Jafi Lee. (2020). Postsecondary education for nurturing deaf professionals in sign linguistics in the Asia-Pacific region. Sign Language Studies, 21(1), 137-167. doi:10.1353/sls.2020.0031.
  4. Sze, Felix, Wei Xiao, David Lam. (2020). Development of the Hong Kong Sign Language Sentence Repetition Test. Journal of Deaf Studies and Deaf Education, 25(3), 298-317. doi: 10.1093/deafed/enaa001.
  5. Sze, Felix & Gladys Tang. 2018. R-Impersonal constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Sign Language & Linguistics, 21(2), 284-306.
  6. Wei, X Monica, Felix Sze & Aaron Wong. 2018. Gender variations in signs of sexual behavior in Hong Kong Sign Language. Asia Pacific Language Variation, 4(1), 1-35.
  7. 施婉萍. 2018. 淺談手語基本語序研究方法. 現代語言學, 2 月6 卷1 期.
  8. Sze, Felix, Monica Wei, Aaron Wong. 2017. Taboos and euphemisms in sex-related signs in Asian Sign Languages. Linguistics, 55 (1), 153-205.
  9. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang. 2017. Metalinguistic awareness in the bimodal-bilingual acquisition of locative sentences in Chinese and Hong Kong Sign Language by deaf/hard of hearing children. Journal of Applied Psycholinguistics, 16(2), 101-132.
  10. Sze, Felix, Silva Isma, Adhika Irlang Suwiryo, Laura Lesmana Wijaya, Adhi Kusumo Bharato & Iwan Satryawan. 2015.Differentiating ‘dialect’ and ‘language’ in sign languages: a case study of signing varieties in Indonesia. Asia-Pacific Language Variation, 1(2), 189-218. 
  11. Sze, Felix. 2015. Is Hong Kong Sign Language a topic-prominent language? Linguistics 53(4), 809-876.
  12. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, Tammy Lau, Emily Lam & Chris Yiu. 2015. The development of discourse referencing in Cantonese of deaf/hard-of-hearing children. Journal of Child Language, 42(2), 351-393.
  13. Sze, Felix, Connie Lo, Lisa Lo & Kenny Chu. 2013. Historical development of Hong Kong Sign Language. Sign Language Studies, 13(2), 155-185.
  14. Sze, Felix. 2012. Right dislocated pronominals in Hong Kong Sign Language. Journal of Pragmatics, 44 (14), 1949-1965.
  15. 施婉萍、路駿怡、盧瑞華、朱君毅。2012。〈香港早期聾人教育與香港手語的源流的關係〉。《教育學報》。第39卷第1-2期,頁139-156。
  16. 施婉萍。2011。〈香港手語的話題句〉。《當代語言學》第十三期(二)99-108。
  17. 鄧慧蘭、姚勤敏、林慧思、馮曉雯、施婉萍。2011。〈手語雙語研究對聾人教育的啟示〉。《當代語言學》第十三期(二)175-187。
  18. Sze, Felix. 2011. Non-manual markings for topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Sign Language and Linguistic, 14(1), 115-147.
  19. Sze, Felix. 2009. Topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Sign Language and Linguistics, 12(2), pp. 222-227.

Book Chapters

  1. Sze, Felix, Fion Wong, Connie Lo, Samuel Chew, Sun Yao Rebecca & Yuya Yanai. 2022. Provision of sign language interpretation in Asia (Chapter 29). In: Christopher Stone, Robert Adam, Christian Rathmann, and Ronice Müller de Quadros (eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpretation. Routledge. (Link:
  2. Sze, Felix, Fion Wong, Connie Lo, Samuel Chew, Sun Yao Rebecca & Yuya Yanai. 2022. Sign language interpretation training, testing and accreditation in Asia (Chapter 28). The Routledge Handbook of Sign Language Translation and Interpretation. Routledge. (Link:
  3. Sze, Felix & Helen Lee. In press. Negative polar questions in Hong Kong Sign Language, East Asian Sign Linguistics (to be published in 2022) (
  4. Tang, Gladys & Felix Sze. 2018. Bilingualism and sign language research. In A. De Houwer & L. Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of bilingualism (pp. 483–509). Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
  5. Tang, Gladys, Felix Sze, Kenny Chu & Connie Lo. 2016. Hong Kong Sign Language (Chapter 39). In: Chan Sin Wai (ed.) The Routledge Encyclopedia of the Chinese Language, pp.505-530. New York & London: Routledge.
  6. Tang, Gladys, Felix Sze. 2016. Sign languages, Hong Kong. In: Rint Sybesma (ed.) Encyclopedia of Chinese Languages and Linguistics. Leiden: Brill.
  7. Sze, Felix. 2013. Non-manual markings for topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. In: Annika Herrmann & Markus Steinbach (eds.) Nonmanuals in Sign Language. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company, pp.111-142.
  8. Tang, Gladys, Diane Brentari, Carolina Gonzalez & Felix Sze. 2010. Crosslinguistic variation in prosodic cues. In: Diane Brentari (ed.) Sign Languages. New York: Cambridge University Press, pp.519-542.
  9. Sze, Felix. 2008. Blinks and Intonational Phrasing in Hong Kong Sign Language. 2008. In: Josep Quer (ed.) Signs of the time: selected papers from TISLR 2004. (International Studies on Sign Language and Communication of the Deaf; 51) Hamburg : Signum. pp. 83-107.
  10. Tang, Gladys, Felix Sze & Scholastica Lam. 2006. Acquisition of Simultaneous Constructions by Deaf Children of Hong Kong Sign Language. In Vermeerbergen, Myriam, Leeson, Lorraine and Crasborn, Onno (eds.). Simultaneity in Signed Languages: Form and Function. Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins. pp.283-316.
  11. Sze, Felix. 2003. Word Order of Hong Kong Sign Language. In: Ann Baker, Beppie van den Bogaerde & Onno Crasborn (eds.) Cross-linguistic perspectives in sign language research. Selected papers from TISLR 2000. Hamburg : Signum. pp. 163-192.
  12. Tang, Gladys & Felix Sze. 2002. Nominal expressions in Hong Kong Sign Language: does modality make a difference? In Meier, Richard P. / Cormier, Kearsy / Quinto-Pozos, David (eds) Modality and structure in signed and spoken language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 296-319.

Conference Papers:

  1. Sze, Felix, Kloris Lau & Kevin Yu. 2018. The Hong Kong Sign Language Browser. In Mayumi Bono, Eleni Efthimiou, Stavroula-Evita Fotinea, Thomas Hanke, Julie Hochgesang, Jette Kristoffersen, Johanna Mesch, Yutaka Osugi (eds.) Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on the representation and processing of sign languages: involving the language Community (The 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference), pp.185-188.
  2. Liu, Zhengzhe, Fuyang Huang, Gladys Tang, Felix Sze, Jing Qin, Xu Qiang, Wang Xiaogang. 2016.  Real-time sign language recognition with guided deep convolutional neural networks. In the SUI ’16: Proceedings of the 2016 Symposium on Spatial User Interaction, pp.187
  3. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, Chris Yiu. 2016. Sign language acquisition and Sign Language Education. In: Proceedings of the International Academic Conference of the National Institute of Korean Language, 7 September 2016. Seoul: National Institute of Korean Language.
  4. Sze, Felix, James Woodward, Gladys Tang, Jafi Lee, KaYiu Cheng & Joe Mak. 2012. Sign language documentation in the Asia – Pacific region: a Deaf-centered approach. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Interactions between Corpus and Lexicon, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2012, 20-27 May 2012, Istanbul. pp.155-158.
  5. Sze, Felix. 2008. Is Hong Kong Sign Language a discourse configurational language? In: Ronice Müller de Quadros (ed.) Sign Languages: spinning and unraveling the past, present and future. TISLR9, forty five papers and three posters from the 9th. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, December 2006.’  (, pp.598-612.)
  6. Tang, Gladys, Scholastica Lam, Felix Sze, Prudence Lau & Jafi Lee. 2008. Acquiring verb agreement in Hong Kong Sign Language. In: Ronice Müller de Quadros (ed.) Sign Languages: spinning and unraveling the past, present and future. TISLR9, forty five papers and three posters from the 9th. Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research Conference, Florianopolis, Brazil, December 2006. (, pp.612-638.)
  7. Fung, Cat, Felix Sze, Scholastica Lam & Gladys Tang. 2008. Simultaneity and Sequentiality: Developing a transcription system of Hong Kong Sign Language acquisition data. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, May 26 – June 1, 2008, Marrakech, Morocco
  8. Sze, Felix. 2004. Non-manuals and syntactic boundaries in Hong Kong Sign Language: Preliminary observations. Proceedings of the 4th Postgraduate Research Forum on Linguistics.  31st October-1st November 2003. Hong Kong. pp.146-154.

Non-Refereed Publications

Conference Proceedings

  1. Sze, Felix. 2014. The Role of Linguistics in the Health of the Deaf Communities: Challenges and Solutions, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Transdisciplinary Linguistics: The Role of Linguistics in Health Science, Science and Technology, and Social Humaniora, pp.11-22. Jakarta: University of Indonesia.
  2. Sze, Felix. 2012. Sign Language Research and Development in Hong Kong. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Sign Language Research: Towards Deaf Empowerment Through Sign Language Research, 30 & 31 May 2009, University of Malaya.

Books Edited

  1. Sze, Felix & Vadim Kimmelman (Eds.). 2021. Proceedings of The Formal and Experimental Approaches in Sign Language Theory Conference (FEAST), Volume 4. (

Online Database/Data Archives

Hong Kong Sign Language Browser (

  • Outputs of Hong Kong Sign Language Browser (Phase II to X) (Principal Investigator)
  • Lexical variation data in Hong Kong Sign Language.
  • Phase II Version (adding ~700 new signs) released on 23rd January 2014.
  • Phase III Version (adding ~550 new signs) was released on 17th February 2015.
  • Phase IV Version (adding ~650 new signs) was released on 20th January 2016.
  • Phase V Version (adding ~620 new signs)  was released on 25th January 2017.
  • Phase VI Version (adding ~894 new signs) was released on 26th January 2018.
  • Phase VII Version (adding ~940 new signs) was released on 31st January 2019.
  • Phase VIII Version (adding ~950 new signs) was released on 24th February 2020.
  • Phase IX Version (adding ~943 new signs) was released on 28th February 2021.
  • Phase X Version to be released in March 2022.
  • Continuous expansion of the database is expected if future funding is secured.

Preliminary Documentation of Macau Sign Language (

  • Contribution of Macau Sign Language data in the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR).
  • Outputs of Preliminary Documentation of Macau Sign Language (Principal Investigator), funded by the Endangered Languages Documentation Programme (
  • Lexical data (500 target signs from 14 informants), narrative data (~ 1 hour) conversation (~5.5 hours) data of Macau Sign Language with partial transcription.

Asian SignBank (

  • Research outputs of The Asia-Pacific Sign Linguistics Research and Training Program (Co-investigator from 2010-2018, Principal Investigator from 2018 – 2022).
  • Lexical data from several sign languages in the Asia-Pacific Region for public access.
  • Automatic functions for generating sign language dictionary and teaching materials.
  • Advanced search functions for phonological features available for registered researchers.
  • Transcribed discourse data from Hong Kong Sign Language, Sri Lankan Sign Language and Jakarta Sign Language available for registered users.
  • Continuous expansion of the database is expected until at least 2013.

Hong Kong Sign Language Sex Education Website (

  • Outputs of Taboos and Euphemisms in Sexual Signs in Asian Sign Languages (Direct Grant) and Hong Kong Sign Language Sex Education Website (Knowledge Transfer Fund)(Principal Investigator).
  • Explanation of 163 sex education concepts in written Chinese and Hong Kong Sign Language.

Hong Kong Sign Language Fundamental Medical Knowledge Databank (

  • Outputs of The Hong Kong Sign Language Fundamental Medical Knowledge Databank (SIE Fund)(Principal Investigator).
  • Explanation of 100 medical concepts in written Chinese and Hong Kong Sign Language.
  • Online function to generate a written description of illness symptoms to facilitate communication at medical appointments.

SignTown (

  • An online sign language learning game based on AI technology and sign recognition functions
  • Jointly developed with Google and Kwansei Gakuin University, as part of the Asia Pacific Sign Linguistics Research and Training Program (Principal Investigator).
  • Sign language learning games now available in Hong Kong Sign Language and Japanese Sign Language.
  • Expansions in the game modules and sign language types are expected until at least 2013.

Conference Presentations:

  1. Sze, Felix. 2020. From gestures to grammatical nonmanuals in sign language: a case study of polar questions and negation in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the LSHK Annual Research Forum, 11-12 December, 2020. The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  2. Sze, Felix, Kloris Lau & David Lam. 2019. Computerized tests for vocabulary knowledge in Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language for children under the age of three. Paper presented at the LSHK Annual Research Forum, 7 December 2019, The Education University of Hong Kong.
  3. Sze, Felix, Jafi Lee & Monica Wei Xiao. 2019. Adaptation and development of sign language assessment tools for hearing and deaf children in Hong Kong. Paper presented at the LSHK Annual Research Forum, 7 December 2019, The Education University of Hong Kong.
  4. Sze, Felix, Monica Wei Xiao, David Lam. 2019. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Hong Kong Sign Language Sentence Repetition Test (HKSL-SRT) in differentiating three groups of deaf signers. Paper presented at 13th Conference of Theoretical Issues of Sign Language Research (TISLR 13), 26-28 September 2019, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
  5. Sze, Felix, Yang Chin Lung, Monica Wei Xiao, David Lam. 2019. Lexical co-activation in bimodal-bilinguals during spoken language comprehension: an eye-tracking study of Hong Kong Sign Language and Cantonese. Poster presented at 13th Conference of Theoretical Issues of Sign Language Research (TISLR 13), 26-28 September 2019, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
  6. Chan, Kai Lai Kenith, Felix Sze. 2019. More than a pointing: Pointing sign as an interjective hesitator in Hong Kong Sign Language. Poster presented at 13th Conference of Theoretical Issues of Sign Language Research (TISLR 13), 26-28 September 2019, University of Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
  7. Susantha, Kodithuwakku Koraralege Brayan & Felix Sze. 2019. The impact of sign linguistics training to deaf individuals in the promotion of sign language rights in Sri Lanka. Paper presented in the XVIII World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf, Paris, 23-27 July 2019.
  8. Sze, Felix, Monica Wei Xiao, Yvonna Poon and David Lam. 2018. Effects of age of acquisition in the performance of the non-manual component of the Hong Kong Sign Language Reproduction Test (HKSL-SRT). Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of Sign Language Acquisition, Istanbul, Turkey, June 27-29, 2018.
  9. Sze, Felix and Kloris Lau. 2018. Bimodal bilingual vocabulary development in Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language of hearing children under the age of three. Paper presented at the 3rd International Conference of Sign Language Acquisition, Istanbul, Turkey, June 27-29, 2018.
  10. Sze, Felix. 2017. Comparing Word Orders in Simple Transitive Clauses in Three Asian Sign Languages. Paper presented at the 6th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics, 22-24 September, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.
  11. Sze, Felix, Cheryl Tong, David Lam. 2017. Testing Early Vocabulary Knowledge of Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language of Young Children. Paper presented at the 6th Meeting of Signed and Spoken Language Linguistics, 22-24 September, National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan.
  12. Sze, Felix, Cheryl Tong, David Lam, Chris Yiu. 2016. Development of Computerized Vocabulary Tests in Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language for Young Children Between the Age of 18 and 30 Months. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistics Society of Hong Kong, 3 December 2016, The Education University of Hong Kong.
  13. Sze, Felix, Wei Xiao Monica, Timothy Chan Hei Long, Aaron Wong Yiu Leung, Laura Lesmana Wijaya. 2016. Comparing the word order of Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL), Jakarta Sign Language (JakSL) and Sri Lanka Sign Language (SLSL): some observations. Paper presented at the16th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, Tongji University, Shanghai, 28-30 October 2016.
  14. Sze, Felix. 2016. Bimodal-Bilingual Acquisition of Spatial Referencing in Cantonese and Hong Kong Sign Language by Deaf/Hard of hearing Children. Paper presented at the 12th Asia Pacific Congress on Deafness 2016, 7 – 10 July 2016, Christchurch, New Zealand.
  15. Sze, Felix, Aaron Wong, Monica Wei, Chi San Ao, Ho Man Un, Ka Weng U and Kam Sun Wong. 2016. Preliminary documentation of Macau Sign Language. Poster presented at The 12th Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research (TISLR 12), 4 – 7 January, Melbourne, Australia.
  16. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, Joe Mak, Cheng Ka Yiu, Yvonna Pan, Li Jieqiong. 2015. Development of sign language-related corpora in Hong Kong and Asia. Paper presented at The International Conference on Corpus Linguistics and Technology Advancement (CoLTA), 16-18 December, Institute of Education, Hong Kong.
  17. Sze, Felix, Wei Xiao Monica, Timothy Chan, Aaron Wong, Laura Lesmana Wijaya. 2015. Basic constituent orders of Hong Kong Sign Language (HKSL), Jakarta Sign Language (JakSL) and Sri Lanka Sign Language (SLSL): a preliminary comparison. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum, Linguistics Society of Hong Kong, 5 December 2015, University of Hong Kong.
  18. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, Wei Xiao and Cheung Lai Shan. 2015. Bilingual–‐bimodal acquisition of spatial referencing in Cantonese and HKSL narratives. Poster presentation in the 2nd International Conference on Sign Language Acquisition, 1-3 July 2015, Amsterdam.
  19. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang. 2014. Bilingual Bimodal Acquisition of Discourse Referencing in Deaf/hard of hearing children. Paper presented in the 2014 Symposium of Sign Bilingualism and Deaf Education, 19-21, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  20. Wong, Aaron, Wei Xiao, Felix Sze. 2014. Age-related variations in signs of sexual behaviors in Hong Kong Sign Language. Poster presentation at the 4th Australasian Deaf Studies Research Symposium. 25-26 October, 2014, RIDBC Renwick Centre, Sydney.
  21. Sze, Felix, Aaron Wong, Wei Xiao. 2014. Taboos and euphemisms in signs of sexual behavior in Asian Sign Languages. Poster presentation at the 4th Australasian Deaf Studies Research Symposium. 25-26 October, 2014, RIDBC Renwick Centre, Sydney.
  22. Sze, Felix, Wei Xiao, Aaron Wong. 2014. Lexical variations in signs of sexual behaviour in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented in New Ways of Analyzing Variation – Asia Pacific 3, 1-3 May 2014, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand.
  23. Sze, Felix, Masumi Ikeda, Daigo Isobe, Joe Mak & Connie Lo. 2013. Numeral Expressions in Asian Sign Languages: preliminary observations. Paper presented in the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistics Society of Hong Kong, 30 November, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  24. Sze, Felix, Wei Xiao, Aaron Wong. 2013. Taboos and Euphemisms in Signs of Sexual Behaviour in Asian Sign Languages: Preliminary observations. Paper presented in the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistics Society of Hong Kong, 30 November, Polytechnic University, Hong Kong.
  25. Sze, Felix, Kenny Chu, Connie Lo & Lisa Lo. 2013. Lexical variations and diachronic change in Hong Kong Sign Language. Poster presented in TISLR 11, 10-13 July 2013, University College London, the United Kingdom.
  26. Sze, Felix, James Woodward, Adhika Irlang Suwiryo, Laura Lesmana Wijaya & Iwan Satryawan. 2012. Sign language use and variations in Jakarta Sign Language. Poster presented in TISLR 11, 10-13 July 2013, University College London, the United Kingdom.
  27. Sze, Felix, Betty Cheung. 2013. Development of discourse referencing in Hong Kong Sign Language narratives by Deaf/hard –of-hearing children. Poster presented in TISLR 11, 10-13 July 2013, University College London, the United Kingdom.
  28. Sze, Felix, Kenny Chu, Connie Lo & Lisa Lo. 2013. Lexical variations and diachronic change in Hong Kong Sign Language: preliminary observations. Paper presented in the Third Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  29. Cheung, Betty, Felix Sze. 2013. Development of discourse referencing strategies in signed narratives by Deaf/hard‐of‐hearing children in a sign‐bilingual co‐enrolment program: Some preliminary observations. Paper presented in the Third Conference on Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia 2013, 30 January – 2 February 2013, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
  30. Sze, Felix, Kenny Chu, Connie Lo & Lisa Lo. 2012. Lexical variations and diachronic change in Hong Kong Sign Language: preliminary observations. Paper presented in New Ways of Analyzing Variation in Asia Pacific 2, 1-4 August 2012, NINJAL, Tokyo.
  31. Sze, Felix, James Woodward, Adhika Irlang Suwiryo, Laura Lesmana Wijaya & Iwan Satryawan. 2012. Sign language use and variations in Jakarta Sign Language. Paper presented in New Ways of Analyzing Variation in Asia Pacific 2, 1-4 August 2012, NINJAL, Tokyo.
  32. Sze, Felix, James Woodward, Gladys Tang, Jafi Lee, KaYiu Cheng & Joe Mak. 2012. Sign language documentation in the Asia – Pacific region: a Deaf-centered approach. Paper presented in the 5th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Interactions between Corpus and Lexicon, Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC) 2012, 20-27 May 2012, Istanbul.
  33. Sze, Felix & Helen Lee. 2012. Negative Polar Questions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented in the 14th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, Xi’an, China. May 11-13, 2012.
  34. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, Tammy Lau, Emily Lam, Chris Yiu. 2011. The development of discourse referencing in deaf/hard-of-hearing children of a sign-bilingual co-enrolment education programme. Paper presented at the Second Nordic Conference of Clinical Linguistics, University of Oslo, Gran, 5-7 May 2011, Norway.
  35. Sze, Felix, Gladys Tang, Tammy Lau, Emily Lam & Chris Yiu. 2011. Development of NP structures and discourse referencing skill in spoken Cantonese narratives by deaf/hard-of-hearing children in a sign bilingual and co-enrolment programme. Paper presented at The Eleventh LSHK Workshop on Cantonese, 5 March 2011, The Hong Kong Institute of Education.
  36. Sze Felix, Tammy Lau, Emily Lam & Chris Yiu. 2010. The Development of Discourse Referencing in Deaf/hard-and-hearing Children of a Sign-bilingual Co-enrolment Education Programme: a Preliminary Study. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, 1 Dec 2010, Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  37. Sze, Felix, Jafi Lee. 2010. Comparing basic constituent orders of Hong Kong Sign Language and Sri Lanka Sign Language. Paper presented at the 13th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 22-24 October 2010.
  38. Sze, Felix. 2010. Right dislocated pronominals in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the 13th China International Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, East China Normal University, Shanghai, 22-24 October 2010.
  39. Sze, Felix. 2010. Is there passive in Hong Kong Sign Language? Poster presentation at TISRL 10, Purdue University, USA, 30 September – 2 October 2010.
  40. Sze, Felix. 2010. Right dislocated pronominals in Hong Kong Sign Language. Poster presentation at TISRL 10, Purdue University, USA, 30 September – 2 October 2010.
  41. Lo, Connie, Lisa Lo, Kenny Chu & Felix Sze. 2010. The origin of Hong Kong Sign Language and early deaf education in Hong Kong. Paper presented in the Conference for Sign Linguistics and Deaf Education in Asia 2010, 28-30 January, 2010, The Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  42. Sze, Felix. 2009. Sign Language Research and Development in Hong Kong. Paper presented in International Seminar on Sign Language Research: Towards Deaf Empowerment Through Sign Language Research, 30 & 31 May 2009, University of Malaya. 
  43. Sze. Felix. 2009. Non-manual markings for topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at Workshop on “Non-manuals in sign languages (NISL)”, Frankfurt, April 5th, 2009.
  44. Ho, Chloe & Felix Sze. 2008. Body Leans In Hong Kong Sign Language: Marking of Contrast. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of Linguistic Society of Hong Kong, 6-8 December 2008 Chinese University of Hong Kong
  45. Lau, Hui Mei, Connie Lo, Felix Sze, Rachel Wong, Pippen Wong, & Ruby Yuen. 2008. Bilingual acquisition of discourse referencing in narratives in Hong Kong Sign Language and Cantonese: A preliminary Study. Paper presented at Workshop on Sign Bilingualism in the Asia-Pacific Region, 10 December 2008, the Chinese University of Hong Kong.
  46. Scholastica Lam, Gladys Tang, Felix Sze & Jafi Lee. 2008. Word order and Syntactic Structure in Hong Kong Language. Paper presented at 12th National Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, Huazhong University, Wuhan, 24-26 Oct, 2008.
  47. Fung, Cat, Felix Sze, Scholastica Lam, Gladys Tang. 2008. Simultaneity and Sequentiality: Developing a transcription system of Hong Kong Sign Language acquisition data. Paper presented the ‘Construction and Exploitation of Sign Language Corpora’ workshop of LREC 2008 (the 6th Conference of language Resources & Evaluation), 1st June, Marrakech, Morocco.
  48. Sze, Felix. 2008. Topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the 12th National Conference on Contemporary Linguistics, Huazhong University, Wuhan, 24-26 Oct, 2008.
  49. Tang, Gladys., Scholastica Lam, Felix Sze, Jafi Lee & Prudence Lau. 2006. Acquisition of Verb Agreement in HKSL by Deaf Children. Paper presented at The 9th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research, Universidade de Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, November.
  50. Sze, Felix. 2006. Is Hong Kong Sign Language a discourse-configurational language?  Poster presentation at TISRL 9, Florianopolis, 6-9 December 2006
  51. Tang, Gladys, Felix Sze & Scholastica Lam. 2004. What makes the acquisition of classifier predicates so difficult? Poster presentation at the 8th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Barcelona, September 30 – October 2.
  52. Sze, Felix. 2004. Blinks and Intonational Phrasing in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the 8th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. Barcelona, September 30 – October 2.
  53. Tang, Gladys & Felix Sze. 2003. The Acquisition of Classifier Constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the Australasian Deaf Studies Research Symposium II, Renwick College, Australia, September.
  54. Sze, Felix. 2003. Blinks and Syntactic Boundaries in Hong Kong Sign Language: a preliminary observation. Paper presented at the Australasian Deaf Studies Symposium II. September 27th – 29th . North Rocks. NSW. 
  55. Tang, Gladys & Felix Sze. 2002. Acquisition of Sign Language Classifiers by Deaf Children. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. December 14th -15th. Hong Kong.
  56. Sze, Felix. 2002. Non-manuals and syntactic boundaries in Hong Kong Sign Language: preliminary observations. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. December 14th -15th. Hong Kong.
  57. Sze, Felix. 2001. Topic constructions in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the Conference on Sign Linguistics, Deaf Education and Deaf Culture in Asia. December 17th – 19th Hong Kong.
  58. Sze, Felix. 2000. Word order in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Theoretical Issues in Sign Language Research. July 23rd – 27 th Amsterdam.
  59. Tang, Gladys and Felix Sze. 2000. Analysis of preverbal nominal expressions in signed and spoken languages: a case between Hong Kong Sign Language and spoken Cantonese. Paper presented at TLSC “The Effects of Modality on Language and Linguistic Theory”. February 25-27. Texas.
  60. Sze, Felix. 1999. Word order in Hong Kong Sign Language. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. December 11th-12th. Hong Kong.
  61. Sze, Felix. 1998. NP Referentiality of Hong Kong Sign Language: some preliminary observations. Paper presented at the Annual Research Forum of the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong. December 5th – 6th. Hong Kong.